Design Element
Comment on "WWDC 2006: Wednesday Wrap-Up"
by Mithras — Aug 10
Here's some of the most prominent Objective C changes, cherrypicked from the ObjC mailing list:

- Instance variables can have access control:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
int public_var;
int private_var;
int protected_var;

- We have the syntax for properties, in both classes and protocols:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property int foo;
@property(getter=_getBaz,setter=_setBaz) float baz;

@implementation MyClass
- (int)_getBaz { return baz; }
- (void)_setBaz: (float)newBaz { baz = abs(newBaz); }

@protocol MyProtocol
@property(copies,readonly) NSString *bar;

int main(void) {
MyClass *m = [MyClass new];
m.baz = -5.0;
printf("%f\n", m.baz); /* -> 5.0000 */

- Protocols can list required or optional methods:

@protocol MyProtocol
- (int)foo;
- (void)bar: (int)arg;

- The syntax for foreach is pretty obvious, but here it is anyhow:

NSArray *arr = randomListOfStrings();
for (NSString *s in arr) {
printf("%@\n", s);

It looks like there may be a facility for enumeration of user- defined types...

- To accomodate GC, fields can be weak:

@interface MyClass
__weak id some_var;
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