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Comment on "Eliminate DRM?"
by Mr eel — Oct 12
"As nice as this would be for people who like free music -- that is, almost everyone except the record companies -- it's just not going to happen."

Are you suggesting the only people who oppose DRM are those interested in free music? I personally don't think that's the case at all.

I purchase an enormous amount of music, but have yet to buy a DRM encumbered recording yet. Simply, the DRM is inconvenient more than anything else. If I buy a CD I can rip it and do pretty much whatever I like (outside of copyright infringement). If I buy some music from the iTunes store, I am immediately limited in what I can do with it.

Best example is; can't put those iTunes tracks on anything other than an iPod. Which totally sucks.

"We don't really know what would happen if DRM didn't exist. His conclusions are only one possible scenario."

Well that's not actually true. Firstly many millions of CDs have been sold without DRM and labels have been able to make good profits.

Secondly, there are some great examples of labels selling non-DRM encumbered music and doing very well at it. sell music from a heap of labels. Their policy is no DRM. I know that they're doing very well.
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