@Steven Degutis: I've looked into the source and CGPath and CGContext are very full-featured right now
Yeah, you're right. There's a wide range of CGPath functions in there.
For example, my website http://www.giantrobotsoftware.com/ could benefit with some simple Core Animation to "expand" categories on the side and display the screenshot thumbnails in a Collection View
As Mason suggests above, I think one of the existing JavaScript libraries like dojo or something would probably work better for that. Cappuccino might be overkill.
@Mason: but here's how I think of it: Objective-J and Cappuccino bring the niceties of Obj-C/Cocoa to web development
Well said.
I'm 99% sure Objective-J supports KVC/KVO
I see that comment as well, but I can't find the key KVO method names in the source, such as -observeValueForKeyPath:. Also, we'd still need the actual KVB implementation to make bindings work, but it does look like they're planning to do something here.
by Scott Stevenson — Sep 05
Yeah, you're right. There's a wide range of CGPath functions in there.
For example, my website http://www.giantrobotsoftware.com/ could benefit with some simple Core Animation to "expand" categories on the side and display the screenshot thumbnails in a Collection View
As Mason suggests above, I think one of the existing JavaScript libraries like dojo or something would probably work better for that. Cappuccino might be overkill.
@Mason: but here's how I think of it: Objective-J and Cappuccino bring the niceties of Obj-C/Cocoa to web development
Well said.
I'm 99% sure Objective-J supports KVC/KVO
I see that comment as well, but I can't find the key KVO method names in the source, such as -observeValueForKeyPath:. Also, we'd still need the actual KVB implementation to make bindings work, but it does look like they're planning to do something here.