One smallish, nitpicking correction. Objective-J isn't a reimplementation of Objective C. It's a new language that's a superset of Javascript in the same way Objective C was a new language that was a superset of C. It also shares a lot of syntax and conventions with Objective C
Luckily for us however, a group of people ran into these
same issues about 25 years ago when trying to improve the C
language. These were the folks at Stepstone who developed
Objective-C. Just like in our case, Objective-C had to be a
strict superset of C (unlike C++ which does NOT always play
nice with C). Also lucky for us is that JavaScript syntax is
very close to C syntax, so their language additions
translated very naturally to JavaScript. And perhaps now it
is obvious why our keywords start with the “@” symbol,
because in this manner there is no possibility of ever
clashing with future JavaScript keywords or predefined user
variables and functions. In other words, we can now add to
the language as much as we want without the fear of breaking
compatibility with existing JavaScript.
by Alan — Mar 24
You california kids gets get all the fun.
One smallish, nitpicking correction. Objective-J isn't a reimplementation of Objective C. It's a new language that's a superset of Javascript in the same way Objective C was a new language that was a superset of C. It also shares a lot of syntax and conventions with Objective C
The 280 folks addressed this awhile back