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Comment on "Stop Complaining to Apple About iTunes DRM"
by Alf Watt — Jan 19
If you stop to compare the package or rights that you purchase with physical media vs. what you purchase from iTunes then Fair Play really is a small price to pay.

Purchase a CD and you're allowed to make one (1) backup copy and (1) digital copy your computer & one (1) more for the MP3 player. The digital copy might even be considered the backup in this case. So that's three (3) copies plus your uncompressed original.

Purchase a track on iTunes and you're allowed to make five (5) backups to CD, play it on five (5) computers and as many iPods as you can copy it to. Which adds up to at-least ten (10) legal copies, plus your AAC original, plus the copies on iPods. Not bad for 99¢.
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