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Comment on "Wired on Bill and Steve: Part Two"
by Anon — Feb 12
Ahh... where to begin.

Profit is good. It motivates people. It provides capital resources to invest in doing more good stuff. Communistic ideas, while they sound good on the surface, are in fact quite bad because they disincentives people from doing much of anything other than the absolute minimum to survive. Consequently, deriding folks for making a profit is to contribute to the problem, not help solve it.

Technology is fundamental to being human. It's what separates us from the amoebas (I would have said animals, but there are some that use tools). To turn one's back on it is to de-evolve (actually, I'm reasonably confident that he's become so dependent on it, so inculturated to the system of technologies that permeate modern life, that if he were to suddenly withdraw from it, he would literally die, most likely of dehydration, or disease from eating or drinking unprocessed food or water). Additionally, there is no period in human history that is better than the one we live in now, and I fully expect the trend to continue. Anyone who doubts this need only to visit a major hospital, and watch the fruits of technology in action...
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