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Comment on "Cocoa Developers Are Spoiled"
by Scott Stevenson — Feb 20
My experience with Core Data are your articles on and with some of the basic stuff from Apple is very simple. These guides don't get down into the nitty-gritty that you only find after 4-months of dev or a version 1.01.

I think part of this is that it's much harder to write about the hard stuff. :) It will be done, but writing the kind of articles that I think people want takes a lot of time. I like writing about Core Data, though, so expect to see more of that.

It's true that the basic stuff is very simple, but customizing the basic stuff really isn't that hard either. The class hierarchy that makes up the Core Data framework is incredibly straightforward for what it does. There are only a handful of classes that you need to know about.

In my opinion, the hardest parts (those that require the most care) of writing a sophisticated Core Data app are the hardest parts of writing any sophisticated Cocoa app. That is, you have to get the threading right, optimize speed and come up with a data model that works.

Now, I think you see why I can't believe that Apple not only give you their Dev. environment for FREE, they have a whole, working, framework that they use too

In my opinion, Microsoft doesn't have to try as hard as Apple because they have millions of customers locked in. Apple is motivated to offer great frameworks because they want people to write tons of great apps. As far as I can tell, it's working.

it's fast, it's beautiful and I am not dealing with the silly bits of glue/refresh code

The view is nice up here. :)

Could you recommend any books or material to further my journey? Especially interested in XCode and Core Data.

Jonathan Rentzch recommends Step into Xcode, so I'll just recommend that by proxy.
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