Design Element
Comment on "Objective-C and PHP Additions in TextMate 1368"
by David Wareing — Mar 05
The text editor decision recently became a lot tougher with SubEtha's inclusion of Tabbed windows, but TextMate's project support is a real win. TextMate, however, does have some issues:

- the symbols popup menu should be moved back up to the top of the window where it belongs. There are numerous things wrong with the placement, but the most grievous is the need to engage in precision clicking else the Dock will grab you. No response from developer on this one.

- there is nasty search-and-replace bug, at least using the (third party) Lua module, which the developer hasn't been able to reproduce yet. Also, its project-wide search results needs to be implemented in a split window view.

- the app needs to remember project state, for the drawer. It's great being able to open my entire project, but a bit tedious to have to go and then manually open up the file hierarchy.

Overall though, a great app, and recommended.
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