The "iTunes Phone"

So the Motorola ROKR phone. This the most decidely non-Apple device I've ever seen. Is this supposed to appeal to iPod owners? Is this thing as big as it looks? Now, more than ever, I want an iPhone.
Design Element
The "iTunes Phone"
Posted Sep 9, 2005 — 2 comments below


Jesper — Sep 09, 05 386

I still can't believe they would go with Motorola. Every Motorola phone I've ever tried has absolutely *sucked*. Not just so-so, but outright sucked.

The reason it's a non-Apple device is because *Apple did not make it*. Beyond the hype, it's just a normal phone with an extra app in it. I don't get why people think it's special - do people also believe that their Nokia 60-series is an Opera phone because of the pre-installed web browser?

Abhi Beckert — Sep 10, 05 389

Personally, I'm much more interested in what Apple + Singular might hold for the future.


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