Debriefing from TextMate Talk at CocoaHeads
My goal last night was to fill the room, and we did that. Next time, I want to get so many people in there that we have to move to a new location. Almost everyone was a new face, so I think we really got the word out about CocoaHeads this time.I guess it was some sort of amazing coincidence that there was a Leopard briefing at Apple. We had people from Boinx Software (visiting from Germany!), Lucas from Delicious, Dirk from Sofa. I should have tried to start a fight about violating human interface guidelines. Hindsight.
I'm pretty sure at least a few people walked in as TextMate skeptics and walked out coverted (or nearly so). There were a few oohs and aahs, as well as some wows. Congratulations to Dirk Stoop and Joel Norvell who won free copies of TextMate. Thanks to Allan Odgaard for providing the goodies to give out.
The slides from the talk are available here (952k PDF).

Debriefing from TextMate Talk at CocoaHeads
Posted Nov 10, 2006 — 4 comments below
Posted Nov 10, 2006 — 4 comments below
Sunny — Nov 10, 06 2385
Scott Stevenson — Nov 11, 06 2386
Sunny — Nov 11, 06 2388
rugs — Jul 25, 07 4541