MacFUSE CocoaHeads Wrap-Up with Video
Ted Bonkenburg's talk last night on MacFUSE went fantastically well. This was the largest CocoaHeads Silicon Valley audience yet, and Joar Wingfors was gracious enough to take the time to record and encode video from the event.(that's me doing the intro)
In addition to the video, the slides and sample code are available here.
We followed-up Ted's talk with three additional demos. Bill Bumgarner demoed his RuntimeFS filesystem, and Dave MacLachlan of Google showed off a filesystem which uses Mac OS X Accessibility APIs to create a directory tree of active AX objects. Dave's project is a bit hard to describe, but is incredibly impressive in terms of showing how flexible MacFUSE is. He says he will have the code up at the Google Mac Developer Playground shortly.
We also had a separate demo from Peter (whose last name I don't have written down, actually), which was an audio analysis program which uses CoreAudio. I believe Peter is going to email me more details. We'll try to get videos up for all three of these demos.
Thanks again to Ted Bonkenburg and Amit Singh for organizing this talk. We'd be happy to have anybody from the Google Mac team back at any time.

MacFUSE CocoaHeads Wrap-Up with Video
Posted Jan 11, 2008 — 9 comments below
Posted Jan 11, 2008 — 9 comments below
Glenn — Jan 11, 08 5341
The room overflowed with talent (even more than usual!), the talk was clear and relevant, the MacFUSE demos were meaningful, and Peter -- sandwiched between bbum's and Dave's MacFUSE funny-but-drive-the-point-home demos -- showed an interesting sound recognition app he's building.
I heard the fuss over MacFUSE last year, but didn't grok it. If I understand correctly now, then basically any hierarchical data can be treated as a file system, where operations typical of files (e.g., Cover Flow, Quick Look) can be performed against them. More interesting still is the relative ease with which this can now be done, thanks to MacFUSE.
Using real files -- as with PicasaWeb and the YouTube browser -- easily makes sense, and may be the more practical use of the MacFUSE framework.
But XML? Why not?! Jar files? Sure! Cover flow/quick look them all day long.
Suddenly, it all makes sense.
DN — Jan 13, 08 5342
Scott Stevenson — Jan 13, 08 5343
That's a bit more tricky because it means somebody with a lot of bandwidth actually has to host a ~1GB file.
Ahruman — Jan 15, 08 5345
Ahruman — Jan 15, 08 5346
Blain — Jan 15, 08 5347
Dave MacLachlan — Jan 23, 08 5388
Scott Stevenson — Feb 04, 08 5448
Alexander — Feb 27, 08 5577