Photos from CocoaHeads WWDC 2008
Travis from the Apple Store in San Francisco sent me this panorama from the CocoaHeads WWDC event earlier in the month. There are a number of other photo sets online as well. The crowd was absolutely fantastic.(this was obviously assembled in software from several individual photos, so there are some minor visual glitches)
The announced presenters were Gus Mueller, Daniel Jalkut, Dirk Stoop and Jasper Hauser of Sofa, and Mathieu Tozer and Keith Lang of Plasq, with Brent Simmons joining us for Q&A.
We had two additional guests, though. Francisco Tolmasky of 280 North talked briefly about the work they've been doing with 280 Slides, and Wil Shipley showed up to be a surprise participant in the Q&A session at the end.
Steve Weller took a number of incredible pictures not just at CocoaHeads but throughout the week at WWDC, so be sure to take a look at those if you haven't already. Jose Vazquez also posted quite a few pictures as well.
It was an incredible event, and I think everyone had a blast. Again, huge thanks to Travis for going way beyond the call of duty to get all of our speakers arranged and responding to a number of last minute changes.

Photos from CocoaHeads WWDC 2008
Posted Jun 29, 2008 — 10 comments below
Posted Jun 29, 2008 — 10 comments below
Eric — Jun 29, 08 6113
Jane — Jun 29, 08 6114
I was short, I couldn't see anything beyond maybe the tops of the slides, and I thought I was going to be okay coming a few minutes early (until twitter slowly demoralized me while I was walking down market). A few of us just ended up leaving to get dinner. Shame, cause it would have been cool.
Is there like no way this could be a lunchtime session or something?
Andy — Jun 29, 08 6115
Ps typing in this textarea on an iPhone is murderously slow. Javascript ?
Scott Stevenson — Jun 29, 08 6116
I appreciate that, and we're open to suggestions. The things to keep in mind is that the Apple Store doesn't charge us anything, has a fantastic A/V system, all the adaptors and microphones we'd ever need, and awesome staff. If somebody can come up with a significantly higher-capacity location that meets all of those same standards, then we'll certainly look at that.
I just want to be clear that there's a lot more to it than finding a bigger room. In particular, CocoaHeads has no budget to speak of.
@Jane: Is there like no way this could be a lunchtime session or something?
We've talked about that before, but having it actually inside the conference is somewhat involved. In any case, I'm personally not sure we should make a blanket statement that only WWDC attendees are allowed to come to CocoaHeads.
Scott Stevenson — Jun 29, 08 6118
Hmmm. No Javascript is applied to the text field.
Matthieu Cormier — Jun 29, 08 6119
Devon — Jun 29, 08 6120
Steve Weller — Jun 29, 08 6121
Adam generously loaned me a couple of lenses for the week and it was his 85mm f/1.8 that I used extensively, usually at f/2.0.
I'm in the panorama at the front on the left -- taking photos!
Jane — Jun 30, 08 6123
Perhaps adding on to Andy's suggestion of video if it were possible to have something like a WWDC lunchtime session (with no budget, and if they were just as accommodating as retail) something like live streaming video to/from the apple store? Or even the other way around. Seemed like a lot if not most of the people there for cocoaheads were wwdc attendees to begin with.
Buuuut, it's just an idea. Like I said, a bunch of us left for dinner (from where we were standing, you could barely hear anything), and I know some that didn't even bother going because of the crowd. It would be nice to have a larger venue somehow :)
Alex — Jul 09, 08 6147